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Development Environment and librairies

Fundamental Rules

RUL_GEN_001 Comments

A comment is there to explain the code not to rephrase it.
Comment shall not contradict the code, update the comment with the code.

RUL_GEN_002 Important Rule

<note tip> If you don't understand why you should not modify a line, DON'T MODIFY IT! </note>

RUL_GEN_003 More Important Rule

Don't modify a line just to make it nicer, better, what ever justification you want, until there is a declared issue or an enhancement or task assigned to you linked with the line.

RUL_GEN_004 Mosy Important Rule

<note warning> In any case, Keep it simple </note>

Coding Rules


Follow the Python development guidelines described in PEP008 with the following adaptations

Edition Rule

ADV_GEN_005 Tab is not space

Configure your editor to replace tab by 4 spaces (4). If your editor is not enable to replace don't insert TAB.

RUL_GEN_006 Indentation

Always use 4 space indentation except for arguments indentation


RUL_STR_01 str usage

Use str only for internal 7 bits characters string or bytes storage

RUL_STR_002 QString usage

Use QString only for Qt API functions and methods, convert results as soon as possible to unicode to be compliant for Python functions.

RUL_STR_003 Use unicode

For all other strings use unicode only strings.


python.1482949656.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2016/12/28 19:27 de francois

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